17 August 2010

Double eyelid clipper

Price : RM 3.80

Want beautiful double eyelids but don't want to go for surgery?

Well, this little gadget will help you get natural double eyelids! Just use it everyday for 5 minutes to see the improvement.

Note :
Do not use if you have wounds around the eye areas.

Mini nose massage stick gently remove dirty and dust

Price : RM 3.80

Mini Nose Massage Stick recommended by Niu Er at Nu Ren Wo Zui Da 女人我最大.

Gently removes dirt and dust from your pores.

Say goodbye to enlarged pores and blackheads!

Simple and convenient process enables you to become more beautiful without any specialized skills.

EPI Stick & Hair Removal recommeded by Taiwan Show

Removal Facial Hair with this stick easily.

Price : RM 3.00

This product is highly recommeded by Taiwan Show, hosted by Lan Xin Mei and many popular stars.

Using Method:
Hold the 2 ends with hands and bring it near to your face as according to pic above.

At the same time move the stick up and down to remove the hair

Heel protection pad

Price : RM 4.80

~To adjust the shoe size
~To reduce friction
~ Made of breathable materials
~Free Size (for feminie only)

Shoe insole

Price : RM 4.80

Messaging gel cushion are made of soft gel to cushion and comfort every step.

~ Get these cushions to save your feet from all the pain and discomfort
~ To provide shock absorption and ideal for high heel.
~ Washabland reusable
~ Free size
~ Per pack contain 2 pcs
~ Tranparent White Colour.
~ Anti-baterial and anti-odour.

Fake eyelash applicator

Price : RM 4.90

Color available : Blue

~ Helps you to stablize the fake eyelashes so they won't move around while applying it.
~ Easy way and good applicator to stabalize your fake eyelashes
~ Soft material on the top of the clip , Easy to grip

Step 1: Carefully remove the false eyelash and put on the stand.
Step 2: Clip the false eyelash and hold it gently.
Step 3: Add eyelash glue along the false eyelash root.
Step 4: Hold the eyelash on the root of your natural lashes with a slight pressure.
Step 5: Done

Deck Out Women Eye Masks

Price : RM 1.50 per pack  NOW clearance sale @  RM 1.00 per pack

- Effectively Removes Puffiness
- Enriched with Moisturizers
- Prevent & Refine Aging
- Anti-Wrinkle
- Refirming

1. Cleanse and thoroughly dry your face
2. After opening the foil package and peel off the plastic liner ,for the best result ,use the patches immediaely after opening the foil package.
3. Apply the patches as shown, smooth the patche gently to ensure good contact with the skin.
4. Wearing the patches for about 30 minutes or wear the facial make while you sleep
5. Remove the patches gently ,do not reuse the patches .

1. avoid using  on sunburnd,scrat ched skin.
2. avoid using on sensitive skin to tape bandage or peeling off masks
3. keep avay from children
4. for external use only

ELG 4th generation eye masks

Price : RM  1.80 per pair

We distribute ELG eye masks imported directly from Taiwan.
All kind of eye masks manufactured December 2009 and lasts for three years till 2012.

Blue (Seaweed + Tea Tree Extract + EGF + GHK-Cu) 海藻鎖水保濕水晶果凍眼膜(藍)

~ Prevents wrinkles.
~ Improve moisture around the eyes
~ Prevent sagging of skin
~ Moisturizing


 Green (Aloe + Chamomile + EGF + GHK-Cu) 蘆薈控油去痘水晶果凍眼膜(綠)

~ Helps to moisturise skin
~ Prevents wrinkles
~ Helps to eliminate wrinkles and eye bags
~ Prevent sensitivity


Pink (Red Wine + Grape + EGF + GHK-Cu) 紅酒多酚美白抗皺水晶果凍眼膜(粉紅)

~ Helps to restore skin vitality
~ Prevents wrinkles.
~ Anti oxidant


Silver (Pearl + Hyaluronic Acid + EGF + GHK-Cu) 珍珠精華晢白水晶果凍眼膜(銀)
~ Moistures the skin and lightens melanin


Gold (Arbutin + L-Ascorbic + EGF + GHK-Cu) 熊果素美白淡斑水晶果凍眼膜(金)
~ Whitening effects
~ Improves skin pigmentation and lightens dark circles
~ Improves skin elasticity.


Orange (Orange + Lemon + EGF + GHK-Cu) 鮮橙C美白保濕水晶果凍眼膜(橙)
~ Helps in skin repair and fine lines
~ Improves skin elasticity.


My Scheming Face Masks

Price : RM 2.20 per pack

Bulgarian Rose Whitening Mask (我的心機保加利亞玫瑰嫩白面膜


~ Moistures skin and improves uneven skin tone.
~ Prevent moisture loss is left on the skin upon, restores the normal tension for a delicate and smooth look.

* 改善肌膚暗沉不均勻現象
* 補充水分
* 保護膜預防水分蒸發,使肌膚回復正常之張力讓肌膚更細緻柔嫩。

Camellia Japonica Hydrating Mask (我的心機日本山茶花保濕面膜)


~ Moisturizing and soothing function besides repairing the skin.
~ Prevent moisture loss
~ Rrevitalizes your face for smooth and radiance.

* 增加肌膚保濕及平撫作用,修護功效
* 使肌膚的保水能力變好,提升肌膚保濕效果,全面緊實臉龐,透出水嫩光采。

Caviar Extract Mask (我的心机深海魚子精華面膜)


~ Intense deep cleaning
~ Eliminates oily residue
~ Constricts swelling skin pores
~ Enable to activate and renew skin
~ Moisture and firming
~ Skin become smooth as infant
~ Great for everyday use

* 魚子精華,活化肌膚
* 適合每天使用, 膚像嬰兒般的細緻光滑喔!

 Hyaluronan Hydrating Mask [ 我的心機玻尿酸鎖水保濕面膜]

~ Replenish lost moisture
~ Supply skin with required nutrients
~ Promote epithelial cell regeneration
~ Combat against uneven skin tone.
~ Improves moisture deficient and cracked skin

* 保湿滋润
* 让肌肤更光滑及保湿
* 内含多种植物精华能适度补充肌肤所需营养,改善粗燥、缺水、龟列等现象!

Provence Lavender Soothing Mask (我的心機普羅旺斯薰衣草舒緩面膜)

~ Fragrance calms and relaxes your mind.
~ For sensitive skin to soothe the tight and tingly feelings on face.
~ Improves skin elasticity , smooth and radiant skin.

* 香味可鎮定心情,使人較為放鬆
* 敏感型肌膚專用,可舒緩皮膚的緊繃感及刺痛感
* 可增進皮膚彈性,透出水嫩光采。

Mint Collagen Mask (我的心机薄荷膠原蛋白面膜)


~ Great to refresh our brain.
~ Prevents skin from dryness, coarseness and aging.
~ It improves and renews skin cells, improves skin elasticity and moisture, and a healthy and sheeny skin.

* 具有清涼效果, 气味清爽可以提神
* 預防乾燥,粗糙老化現象產生
* 改善及更生肤质; 促进肌膚弹力提升, 讓肌膚呈現健康柔皙膚色。

Q10 Collagen Firming Mask (我的心機Q10膠原蛋白彈力緊膚面膜)

~ Improves elasticity & inhibits aging
~ Moisturizes skin
~ Q10 richness in antioxidant aid body in renewing cells
~ Smoothens wrinkles
~ Promote cell regeneration
~ Keep skin youthful and healthy
* 保湿滋润
* 让肌肤更光滑及讓你維持年輕與活力
* Q10輔酵素抗氧化功能

Red Wine Polyphenols Mask (我的心機特濃紅酒多酚面膜))


~ High antioxidant ontent restores the lightness and brightness of skin.
~ Give you a rosy complexion
~ Prevent aging and cell damage problems.
~ Stabilizes blood circulation for healthy and rosy complexion

* 具有高度的抗氧能力,可讓肌膚恢復明亮、白晰光澤。
* 能讓氣色常保紅潤!
* 有效预防肌膚老化及细胞受损,使肌膚血液循环正常,常保紅潤的健康膚色。

Puli Ginjo Sake Kasu Mask(我的心机台湾埔里酒粕面膜)

~ Anti-oxidant.
~ Smoothen skin wrinkles and revive skin cells.
~ Restraining the activity of tyrosinase and promoting skin metabolism, which provides a firming and fine skin.
~ Moisture, anti-free radical, and anti-aging.

* 抗氧化劑,具除皺美白可活化肌膚,
* 為皮膚帶來緊實細緻,延緩肌膚老化, 潤白、保濕
* 保持肌膚滑嫩亮麗和彈力, 肌膚變的淨白細緻、水嫩動人,使肌膚水嫩有光澤更顯亮麗

Sakura Whitening Mask (我的心機櫻花嫩白光采面膜)

~ Balance sebum secretion.
~ Repairs and repair dull skin
~ Face restores shine and sooth skin
~ Mild sakura fragrance

* 修护、舒缓肌肤
* 调理毛孔, 滋养肌肤改善暗沉
* 肌肤明皙光采
* 温和的平衡油脂分泌

Price : RM 1.80 per pack ( Old Packaging )

Milk Extract Mask (牛奶美白保湿面膜)

~ Supply skin with nutrients
~ Easily absorb
~ Prevents drying of skin & reduce wrinkles
~ Improves uneven skin & dull skin
~ Moisturizes skin
* 容易被皮膚吸收
* 保濕效果
* 能防止皮膚乾燥,並可修補乾紋
* 可以立即改善臉部肌膚粗糙、無光澤的問題
* 讓肌膚滑嫩透明感,嫩白柔細!

Osmosoft Mask (綠茶草本抗痘面膜)

~ Controls sebum activeness

~ Control oil secretion
~ Tighten & minimizes poresc and hydrated

* 用於臉部有晦黑、小細紋、乾燥缺水現象
* 平衡油脂分泌
* 改善油脂衍生問題
* 可淨膚、保濕,改善肌膚

Dainty Design Face Masks

Price : RM 1.90 per pack

Dainty Design - Aloe

~ Skin brightening with moisture replenishment
~ Help restore soft and radiant skin
~ Retain & replenish moisture in skin preventing wrinkles
~ Increase skin cells metabolism and scar healing
~ Prevent occurrence of acne

美白,淡化斑點、黑色素,去除暗沉膚色,保濕,高效鎖水,日曬受損、控油, 乾燥與暗沉肌膚適用


Dainty Design - Citronella

~ Help you to get a firm & elastic skin.
~ Control sebum secretions from the skin, thus making your skin less prone to the blemishes due to oily skin.
~ Restore skin structure making your skin soft and radiant.
~ Retain and replenish moisture in the skin.

控油、消炎,保湿、美白, 去油、平衡油脂分泌,预防痘痘,让肌肤达到平衡状态 .

Dainty Design - Coffee

~ Anti-0xidant and also anti-aging
~ Moisturizing and cell-repairing
~ Whitening and firming of skin
~ Make your skin healthier, firmer, younger


Dainty Design - Collagen

~ Whiten and re-hydrate skins
~ Prevent wrinkles, increasing skin elasticity
~ Repair wounds and sunken scars
~ Facilitate the recovery of skin metabolism
~ Modulate and stabilize skin’s pH

美白,保湿,紧肤, 滋養,提升肌膚彈性


Dainty Design - Lavender
~ Stabilize skin’s pH and prevents skin sensitivity
~ To calm and relief stress. Helps to improve sleeping disorder
~ Controls and balances skin oiliness
~ To whiten and re-hydrate your skin
~ To repair sun burn skin

具有有效成份供給肌膚,達到柔嫩、細緻、明亮 。保湿,晒后修复,镇定肌肤.有好闻的淡淡的薰衣草香味,敏感性肌肤也可用.

Dainty Design - Lycopen

~ Gives you a supple, silky and radiant look
~ Exfoliates dead skin cells
~ Possesses antioxidants to prevent skin damage from harmful UV rays
~ Whitening and re-hydration of skin

有效抑制黑色素形成,保湿,细嫩,消除暗沉 ,活肤,气色好.

Dainty Design - Rose
~ Rejuvenate cells, refresh dull and tired looking skin
~ Giving your skin a supple and radiant look
~ To whiten and re-hydrate your skin
~ Prevent wrinkles by increasing skin elasticity

美白, 保湿, 活肤, 消除暗沉, 除皱, 适用熬夜灰暗肌肤使用

Derisa Princess Face Masks

Price : RM 3.30

Lycopen Acid + Vitamin C & E Mask
~ Lighten skin color, reduce pores
~ Improve and strengthen your skin moisturizing capacity
~ Help to lighten facial skin
~ Enable the collagen tissues to hace full flexibility and narrowing the pores

Arbutin Extreme Whitening

~ Help to bring new radiance to the uneven skin tone and dullness
~ Revitalize and whiten your skin, giving it a more tender look

 Acetyl Hexapeptide firming

~ Restore skin elasticity.
~ improve your skin ability againt free radical damage
~ Control and maintain the balance of fat secretion

Hydraulic Acid + Ultra Moisturizing Amino Acid Mask

~ Restore skin elasticity, increase skin moisture

High Concentration Of Red Wine antioxidant polyphenols and fat control
~ Improve your skin ability againt free radical damage
~ Control and maintain the balance of fat secretion

* 使用膚質:各種膚質、肌膚蠟黃、暗沉無光澤,經常熬夜的夜貓與日以繼夜工作的女生。