17 August 2010

Dainty Design Face Masks

Price : RM 1.90 per pack

Dainty Design - Aloe

~ Skin brightening with moisture replenishment
~ Help restore soft and radiant skin
~ Retain & replenish moisture in skin preventing wrinkles
~ Increase skin cells metabolism and scar healing
~ Prevent occurrence of acne

美白,淡化斑點、黑色素,去除暗沉膚色,保濕,高效鎖水,日曬受損、控油, 乾燥與暗沉肌膚適用


Dainty Design - Citronella

~ Help you to get a firm & elastic skin.
~ Control sebum secretions from the skin, thus making your skin less prone to the blemishes due to oily skin.
~ Restore skin structure making your skin soft and radiant.
~ Retain and replenish moisture in the skin.

控油、消炎,保湿、美白, 去油、平衡油脂分泌,预防痘痘,让肌肤达到平衡状态 .

Dainty Design - Coffee

~ Anti-0xidant and also anti-aging
~ Moisturizing and cell-repairing
~ Whitening and firming of skin
~ Make your skin healthier, firmer, younger


Dainty Design - Collagen

~ Whiten and re-hydrate skins
~ Prevent wrinkles, increasing skin elasticity
~ Repair wounds and sunken scars
~ Facilitate the recovery of skin metabolism
~ Modulate and stabilize skin’s pH

美白,保湿,紧肤, 滋養,提升肌膚彈性


Dainty Design - Lavender
~ Stabilize skin’s pH and prevents skin sensitivity
~ To calm and relief stress. Helps to improve sleeping disorder
~ Controls and balances skin oiliness
~ To whiten and re-hydrate your skin
~ To repair sun burn skin

具有有效成份供給肌膚,達到柔嫩、細緻、明亮 。保湿,晒后修复,镇定肌肤.有好闻的淡淡的薰衣草香味,敏感性肌肤也可用.

Dainty Design - Lycopen

~ Gives you a supple, silky and radiant look
~ Exfoliates dead skin cells
~ Possesses antioxidants to prevent skin damage from harmful UV rays
~ Whitening and re-hydration of skin

有效抑制黑色素形成,保湿,细嫩,消除暗沉 ,活肤,气色好.

Dainty Design - Rose
~ Rejuvenate cells, refresh dull and tired looking skin
~ Giving your skin a supple and radiant look
~ To whiten and re-hydrate your skin
~ Prevent wrinkles by increasing skin elasticity

美白, 保湿, 活肤, 消除暗沉, 除皱, 适用熬夜灰暗肌肤使用

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