17 August 2010

My Scheming Face Masks

Price : RM 2.20 per pack

Bulgarian Rose Whitening Mask (我的心機保加利亞玫瑰嫩白面膜


~ Moistures skin and improves uneven skin tone.
~ Prevent moisture loss is left on the skin upon, restores the normal tension for a delicate and smooth look.

* 改善肌膚暗沉不均勻現象
* 補充水分
* 保護膜預防水分蒸發,使肌膚回復正常之張力讓肌膚更細緻柔嫩。

Camellia Japonica Hydrating Mask (我的心機日本山茶花保濕面膜)


~ Moisturizing and soothing function besides repairing the skin.
~ Prevent moisture loss
~ Rrevitalizes your face for smooth and radiance.

* 增加肌膚保濕及平撫作用,修護功效
* 使肌膚的保水能力變好,提升肌膚保濕效果,全面緊實臉龐,透出水嫩光采。

Caviar Extract Mask (我的心机深海魚子精華面膜)


~ Intense deep cleaning
~ Eliminates oily residue
~ Constricts swelling skin pores
~ Enable to activate and renew skin
~ Moisture and firming
~ Skin become smooth as infant
~ Great for everyday use

* 魚子精華,活化肌膚
* 適合每天使用, 膚像嬰兒般的細緻光滑喔!

 Hyaluronan Hydrating Mask [ 我的心機玻尿酸鎖水保濕面膜]

~ Replenish lost moisture
~ Supply skin with required nutrients
~ Promote epithelial cell regeneration
~ Combat against uneven skin tone.
~ Improves moisture deficient and cracked skin

* 保湿滋润
* 让肌肤更光滑及保湿
* 内含多种植物精华能适度补充肌肤所需营养,改善粗燥、缺水、龟列等现象!

Provence Lavender Soothing Mask (我的心機普羅旺斯薰衣草舒緩面膜)

~ Fragrance calms and relaxes your mind.
~ For sensitive skin to soothe the tight and tingly feelings on face.
~ Improves skin elasticity , smooth and radiant skin.

* 香味可鎮定心情,使人較為放鬆
* 敏感型肌膚專用,可舒緩皮膚的緊繃感及刺痛感
* 可增進皮膚彈性,透出水嫩光采。

Mint Collagen Mask (我的心机薄荷膠原蛋白面膜)


~ Great to refresh our brain.
~ Prevents skin from dryness, coarseness and aging.
~ It improves and renews skin cells, improves skin elasticity and moisture, and a healthy and sheeny skin.

* 具有清涼效果, 气味清爽可以提神
* 預防乾燥,粗糙老化現象產生
* 改善及更生肤质; 促进肌膚弹力提升, 讓肌膚呈現健康柔皙膚色。

Q10 Collagen Firming Mask (我的心機Q10膠原蛋白彈力緊膚面膜)

~ Improves elasticity & inhibits aging
~ Moisturizes skin
~ Q10 richness in antioxidant aid body in renewing cells
~ Smoothens wrinkles
~ Promote cell regeneration
~ Keep skin youthful and healthy
* 保湿滋润
* 让肌肤更光滑及讓你維持年輕與活力
* Q10輔酵素抗氧化功能

Red Wine Polyphenols Mask (我的心機特濃紅酒多酚面膜))


~ High antioxidant ontent restores the lightness and brightness of skin.
~ Give you a rosy complexion
~ Prevent aging and cell damage problems.
~ Stabilizes blood circulation for healthy and rosy complexion

* 具有高度的抗氧能力,可讓肌膚恢復明亮、白晰光澤。
* 能讓氣色常保紅潤!
* 有效预防肌膚老化及细胞受损,使肌膚血液循环正常,常保紅潤的健康膚色。

Puli Ginjo Sake Kasu Mask(我的心机台湾埔里酒粕面膜)

~ Anti-oxidant.
~ Smoothen skin wrinkles and revive skin cells.
~ Restraining the activity of tyrosinase and promoting skin metabolism, which provides a firming and fine skin.
~ Moisture, anti-free radical, and anti-aging.

* 抗氧化劑,具除皺美白可活化肌膚,
* 為皮膚帶來緊實細緻,延緩肌膚老化, 潤白、保濕
* 保持肌膚滑嫩亮麗和彈力, 肌膚變的淨白細緻、水嫩動人,使肌膚水嫩有光澤更顯亮麗

Sakura Whitening Mask (我的心機櫻花嫩白光采面膜)

~ Balance sebum secretion.
~ Repairs and repair dull skin
~ Face restores shine and sooth skin
~ Mild sakura fragrance

* 修护、舒缓肌肤
* 调理毛孔, 滋养肌肤改善暗沉
* 肌肤明皙光采
* 温和的平衡油脂分泌

Price : RM 1.80 per pack ( Old Packaging )

Milk Extract Mask (牛奶美白保湿面膜)

~ Supply skin with nutrients
~ Easily absorb
~ Prevents drying of skin & reduce wrinkles
~ Improves uneven skin & dull skin
~ Moisturizes skin
* 容易被皮膚吸收
* 保濕效果
* 能防止皮膚乾燥,並可修補乾紋
* 可以立即改善臉部肌膚粗糙、無光澤的問題
* 讓肌膚滑嫩透明感,嫩白柔細!

Osmosoft Mask (綠茶草本抗痘面膜)

~ Controls sebum activeness

~ Control oil secretion
~ Tighten & minimizes poresc and hydrated

* 用於臉部有晦黑、小細紋、乾燥缺水現象
* 平衡油脂分泌
* 改善油脂衍生問題
* 可淨膚、保濕,改善肌膚

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